Holiday 2017 Newsletter

 edited by Cindi Swartout

 A Word From Kevin…

Merry Christmas to you!

I look forward to the Holiday Season all Year. I come from a Big Loving Family and we get together for everything. One of my 4 sisters throws a Christmas Eve Celebration that is famous for the “White Elephant Gift Exchange”. Many outlandish are gifts are exchanged and everyone comes away with a few laughs.

This year my family and I are extremely Thankful for you, our clients. You mean everything to us. I wish you all a Wonderful Holiday Season.

By this time in the year most of our Clients are winding down their search activity but not this year. We have a lot of activity here at KPS and are having a great 4th quarter. Please take a look at our Current list of openings. If you think of someone you know of that is qualified for any of these jobs please reach out to me and I will contact them.

Here to our Mutual Success in 2018! Please let me know how I can help you achieve your career goals. Remember, “You don’t want to be at the Airport when your Ship comes in.” Let me know what you are looking for and I will keep you at the top of my list of people.

Kevin Keifer, CPC

Links for you

Keifer Career Portal     Open Positions

10 Mistakes to Avoid when you Hire Millennials

My Favorite Recipe!



  • 7g dry yeast
  • 1 cup light blue capped milk
  • 14 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1egg, lightly beaten
  • 12 cups raisins (optional)
  • 1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and chopped
  • oil (for deep frying)
  • powdered sugar


  1. Sprinkle the yeast over 1/4 c milk and leave somewhere to combine by itself.
  2. Combine the flour and salt and add remaining milk and the egg.
  3. Add yeast mixture, raisins and apple.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Let stand in a warm place until doubled.
  6. Heat oil to 160 degrees for frying.
  7. Shape balls of batter with 2 metal spoons and drop them in the hot oil a few at a time.
  8. Deep fry for about 8 minutes.
  9. Drain on paper towel.
  10. Put powdered sugar in paper bag.
  11. Put the drained doughnuts in the sugar and shake to coat.
  12. Remove and let cool.
  13. Once cool, shake them in the sugar again.

Holiday Recipes

Christmas Recipes

Campbell’s Green Bean Casserole!

Chef John’s Sweet Potato Casserole

Holiday Traditions

Family Traditions-15 Holiday Favorites you can try at home

World Holiday Traditions