Keifer Professional Search
Cindi Swartout-Editor

A Word From Kevin…
Dear Faithful SEMI Industry Friends,
SemiCon West is upon us, it’s always a great time for our Industry. We get to meet and greet and see what is new in the SEMI World. For me it’s a bit like a College Reunion, I have been going to SemiCon for over 30 years. I remember the Show when it was at the San Mateo Fairgrounds, lots of nostalgia. I hope to see you at the Show. I will be doing my rounds and visiting with my clients and candidates. Please stop me and say “Hello” if you see me.
Summer is a great time to reflect on your career and start to think about what you want in your next job that you don’t have now. I have been getting a lot of calls from Underemployed people looking for more responsibility and career opportunities. At this time I have a full slate of openings that I am working on. If you are in Sales, Engineering or Service reach out to me and let’s talk about your options.
If you see an opportunity on my Website that you think would be a good fit for a friend or colleague then please let me know as soon as possible. Things are moving fast in the SEMI Industry and now is a good time to make a change.
The Covid-19 Pandemic caught a lot of people by surprise a couple of years ago. Now is the time to think strategically about how you are going to handle the next thing that life throws at us. If we work together we can move past these things and be a better Industry.
Please reach out to me at 408-448-4700 if you have any questions or concerns about your job or the Industry that we all love.
Kevin Keifer

From Katie’s Desk…
I wanted to start off by saying you’re all doing great! 2022 has been a year of recovery and change, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own sets of challenges that I hope you have embraced them all.
Power struggle between companies and employees for remote vs in-office work.
We have seen some changes in the market so far this year and I personally have been very happy with these changes, as I myself have changed. One thing to note is this hybrid work environment COVID has created and the struggle for power within companies.
On one hand, employees have had a taste of freedom and love it. Their productivity levels have not slowed and in fact in some cases, even increased. On the other hand, what about that expensive building lease companies are paying for? What about these giant organizations who have created internal culture in the office and aren’t able to maintain it from a distance? What about the staff that maintains the building and cooks the lunches?
Recent studies and reports show there are definitely some proven benefits to working from home. People are reporting feeling more fulfilled and happy because they can do their laundry while filling out an expense report or negotiate a deal while walking the dog. They are also saving money on dry cleaning, gas, and other things needed to work in-office.
If you would like to read more about this debate, here is an article I found that cross compares the benefits and costs for both employers and workers:
Personally, I think the power is in the people. Companies are already being met with resistance and the companies that compromise will be the companies that rise above and have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling work environment. I hope they will be open to change and continue with a remote work environment. I know it certainly makes my job easier!
Upcoming Recession?
Market research tells us that companies in the Semiconductor industry are still hiring as of now, but what about the rest of 2022? I’ve been hearing and reading about this “impending doom” and tales of an upcoming Recession. But can you really predict a recession? It is difficult since there are so many unpredictable variables that influence the outcome of our economy.
One thing I do know for sure is that there is still a shortage of workers, chips, and materials in general, therefore the demand is still very high. Although other industries may be affected by this possible/hypothetical recession, I don’t think it will hit our industry nearly as hard.
If you don’t agree, check out these LinkedIn news articles that support my notion:
Keep on keeping on and do not retreat my readers! You and only you know when you are putting your best foot forward, so do not pull back out of fear. There is still a lot of money to be made and if I can be honest without bragging, I am having my best year to date! I hope you all will join me and continue growing/improving our economy. I am holding my stocks, bitcoins, and job orders because I know that even if it is coming, we must strike while the iron is hot and it is still piping!
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer and think of us when times change because we will always be here for you if you are ever in need.
All my best,

Links for you

Just for fun…

My Favorite Recipe!

Summer Recipes