Keifer Professional Search
Cindi Swartout-Editor
A Word From Kevin…
Hello Gentle Readers,
Where did the summer go? I spent my summer in Soldotna, AK and here the seasons change quickly. The bright yellow and red colors in the Trees suggest that Winter is coming. Alaska is very beautiful this time of the year. We have what they call “Termination Dust” on the tops of all the local Mountains, it makes some residents very nervous, especially the Moose, who are spending every minute feeding and putting on as much weight as they can before the Salad Bar is gone until next spring. The Moose, the ones that live in my Neighborhood near the Kenai River are hitting the flowers that we planted last spring and that we have been enjoying all summer. As they say, there is a time for everything, and it’s time for the flowers to be consumed.
The job market is robust, a lot of the larger OEM’s are still hiring but only selectively. They say that there is a hiring freeze, but they still call me when they can make an exception. Currently, I have openings in those jobs that face the Customer. I am searching for a Bi-Lingual Field Service Engineers in Phoenix and in Hillsboro, OR. I also have a job for a Field Service Engineer/Applications Engineer that knows Test Handlers. I also have several clients looking for Sales Talent across the US. Please feel free to check out the Careers Page on my Website.
It was great to see everybody at SemiCon West in San Francisco in July. I love the feeling at the Show, there is a buzz about the new products and applications for those products. For me, it has the feeling of a Reunion and I get to stop by all the Booths to see all the action.
Please feel to give me a call if you have any questions about what I am seeing through the eyes of my Customers. There is a lot going on in our ever expanding Industry.
I hope you get out in nature this Fall, I hear that the Fishing will be great. I will have to get out myself and see if I can catch a few Rainbow Trout or a Silver Salmon.
Kevin Keifer
Links for you
Check out this link from our website on writing your resume
HR Survival Tip “I don’t like to do write-ups. Can’t a conversation with an employee work just as well?”
Just for fun…
From Danna’s Desk…
Greetings From Alaska!
We are having a gorgeous fall up here in Soldotna, truly the most amazing time of year.
If you want to see for yourself, check out my photo below of a typical fall day.
For those of you looking to advance their career, this is the time of year to do planning for the upcoming year and an
Excellent time to look for a new position. Because September is a time of renewed vigor for hiring managers.
During the summer months, companies slow down on hiring because they are full of vacations, celebrations, and kids home from school. Because companies are eager to fill open positions before the end of the year.
The beginning of Q4 is the urgent time of year for hiring managers to fill their open positions.
This is the last opportunity to fill positions before the new year. Hiring managers want
to start and finish the hiring process before the holiday season when key decision makers are on vacation.
So get that resume dusted off, Network and start interviewing!
Have a wonderful holiday season and check out my holiday appetizer.
Cranberry, Brussels Sprouts and Brie Skillet Nachos
Check out the moose in my yard!

From Katie’s Desk…
Hello Everyone,
As far as the Semiconductor Hiring Market goes, things have not slowed down as much as I thought they would, which is a great thing! Earlier this year there were many warnings from news outlets and the government that hard times were coming. However, we have not seen as many hiring freezes and layoffs as expected despite inflation, higher interest rates, and the economy. My personal theory on this is because the rumors of “The Great Resignation” have been dispelled. It seems that Americans have woken up recently and realized that having a job is better than no job at all. I also think the lack of layoffs is because employers remember how hard it was to find people during COVID when more people were collecting unemployment. The good news is that ambition is not dead!
Training Tip: Know your motivations! Whether it’s leaving your current position, asking for a raise, or hiring a new employee at your company, it’s always good to know your “Why”. Not only will applicants and hiring managers want to know, but it’s also one of the first things I ask when speaking to a new candidate or hiring authority. My job as your career advisor is to understand your intentions and your motivations for making a change in your life and company. This will help me better assist you in reaching your end goal and it will help you know and understand yourself or the current situation.
Never underestimate the power of self and situational awareness. I know it may sound silly or simple, but you would be surprised by how many people are just window shopping or constantly looking for where the grass may be greener. People will be more likely and willing to work with you or hire you if you are genuine and speak your truth. The capabilities of technology are amazing, but at the bottom-line people build relationships and work with people they can trust. Knowing someone’s motivations is the first step to good business.
On a more personal note, fall is beautiful and in full swing here in Anchorage, AK. The wind is howling, the leaves are falling, the temperature is dropping, and I am absorbing every bit of sunshine as the sun continues to set earlier and earlier each day. I can’t complain too much since our sunset is currently at 8pm, but I am savoring it while it lasts since I know the winter and darker days are coming.
This year I have something coming that will shine even during the darkest days of winter. I will most likely be out of the office in February and March of next year since my husband and I are expecting our first child at the end of January! We could not be more excited for this new adventure to begin and hope the adjustment to parenthood won’t be too trying. Sleepless nights are ahead, but I know it will be more than worth it in the end.
For me, the pressure is on as I am ramping up my workload to prepare for my time off and my world being completely upended (in the best possible way). I want to have a relaxing holiday season and a good final push so I can be better prepared for the upcoming changes in my life.
I wish you all a Happy Fall and a strong start heading into the Fourth Quarter this year!
Katie Keifer
My Favorite Recipe!
Pumpkin soup is always yummy this time of year. I usually bake my own pumpkin, then I blend it and put 2 cups in sandwich size bags and freeze to use anytime during the year.
Fall Recipes