Cindi Swartout-Editor
A Word From Kevin…
Hello My Friends,
I just got back into my San Jose Office from the Summer in Alaska. It’s still really warm in San Jose in Early October. It was getting chilly in Soldotna when we left thinking we had timed the changing of the season perfectly in California, nope, still summer here.
I have taken a few calls from job seekers and there are some concerns about a recession in our future. Here at Keifer Professional Search we are not seeing those signs, we still have a full slate of open positions that we are working on. I don’t think we will see a slow down until mid 2020, if then.
A word about your resume, it’s a good idea to take it out every 6 months or so and update it with your latest accomplishments and note any changes in your job title or a large order that you may have closed. It’s part of making a good first impression.
My Daughter Katie and I just got back from the NAPS Annual Conference, this year in San Antonio, TX; My big take away is that I need to increase my presence on Social Media, especially LinkedIn. I am going to start using my platform on LinkedIn wisely to attract job seekers to the positions that I am working on for my clients.
Onward toward Christmas! Please let me know how I can be of service to you my loyal reader as this year comes to a close.
Kevin Keifer, CPC
Links for you
Trade shows Kevin will be attending:
NCCAVS 2020 Annual Equipment Exhibition
From Danna’s Desk…
Job searching is never easy, whether it’s your first or fifth time. Looking for a job is a full time job.
1. Plan your approach to finding a job.
2. Tell your story. No mater what it is, get your story straight. Make your background story exciting, compelling and convincing. Be ready to explain why you are leaving your current employer or what happened and why you made other job changes. Let them know why you are a good fit for the position you are interviewing for.
3. Make sure your online presence is professional. If it is not, get it cleaned up! Make sure your resume is a reflection of your Linkedin Profile. Make sure your profile photo is professional not a ski trip or Fishing Trip photo.
4. Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter. Tailor your resume to reflect the aspects of the job you are applying for. Your cover letter should also target the specific job you are after. Each job you apply for should have a targeted cover letter. You may also customize your resume using an Objective Statement as a tool.
5. Decide who you will be using as references and reach out to them to let them know you are looking and to be prepared for a call from a hiring authority. Use professional references who can testify to your qualifications. Think in terms of 2 Supervisors, 2 Peers and 2 Customers.
6. Reach out to your network, it can be very powerful when looking for a new position. LinkedIn connections, former managers, colleagues, friends, family, etc…
7. Get ready to interview, research the company, read the job description, and practice interviewing.
8. Prepare for the interview. Arrive early, have several copies of your resume, dress sharp, be enthusiastic about the company and position.
9. Be sure to write a follow up note thanking them for the interview, and reiterating why you are interested in the position and company.
These are some of the basics when looking for a job, but most importantly take a job that you will enjoy and help to further your career goals/
From Katie’s Desk…
I think I figured out why they call it “Fall”; because everything is falling! Temperatures, leaves off of trees, bank accounts, motivation, expectations, etc. As pessimistic as this may sound, I’ve learned that these setbacks are really just a setup for future accomplishments. Just like where you are now in life should be a springboard for where you want to go.
This month I learned from one of my mentors, Greg Doersching, that over 50% of American employees are unhappy at their jobs and only 80% actually end up making a job change. That means 20% of unhappy people feel stuck or just don’t realize the opportunities around them. To me, this insight was not only astonishing, but also bewildering and appalling. I have a message to the 20% of people who don’t feel valued or appreciated; it’s never too late! I know some of you have worked 7+ years with the same company, that you feel you have gone too far down the rabbit hole, but I want you to know there’s always an option, a better option, one that will make you feel happy, appreciated and fulfilled.
The unhappiness you feel at work bleeds into more than just your work life. It affects everything around you. Your desk, your family, your mind, and anything else you touch. You try not to let it get to you, but it has a butterfly effect. Another thing I’ve learned this season is that you can’t have creation without destruction. So if you feel like you may be falling behind at work, at home, or in life, don’t let it get to you. Everyone falls behind! Enjoy the chaos and try to live in the now. Let the flames envelop you, because from those ashes, a new and better you will be born! As humans we make mistakes, and from those mistakes we learn the most important lessons in life and become the Phoenix we are meant to be.
Don’t make the mistake of “just getting by” at work any longer. Contrary to the popular 80’s Hit, we should not be “Working for the Weekend”. I challenge the 20% of you who are not fully satisfied to not be complacent. At least take a glance at what’s around you. It can’t hurt. It’s okay to Fall every once in a while, but don’t get stuck in a constant state of Falling.
Stay spooky and try not to Fall too far. Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween filled with ugg boots, pumpkin spice lattes, and cute trick-or-treaters! BOO to you and yours 🙂
Katie Keifer
From Austin’s Desk…
As we approach the end of 2019, I find myself in a new position with a familiar sense of surroundings and friendly faces/voices. Working at Keifer Professional Search after a brief time a part has widened my eyes to the Silicon Valley and it’s people. With the amount of growth over the course of 2019, I’m sure that 2020 will stand as an even bigger year for growth.
If you’re unhappy or feel underappreciated or not valued in your current job. Give me a call …. I specialize in people so what better way to see how your career could change than work with a people person!
If you’re searching for a specific skill set to join your team, you have a deadline to have a new person in the seat, or you simply are scratching your head wondering where all the talent has gone….. Give me a call ….. Once again, I specialize in people, so when it comes to bringing the best and brightest to your team, reach out!
I’m looking forward to the relationships that will be built, the challenges to overcome, and the future of working with the team at Keifer Professional Search. It’s nice to be a part of the family again, and I couldn’t think of a better way going into 2020! To the coming year, and to the coming conversations yet to be had.
You can reach me at my work line 408-448-4700, cell 408-781-7281, or email … If you have a resume, questions, or a hiring need contact an expert in your industry! Looking forward to being of service!
Austin Woodall
My Favorite Recipe!
Other Fall Recipes
Fall fun and Activities
Budget-Friendly Fall Activities for the Whole Family