Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
from Keifer Professional Search
A Word From Kevin…
Seasons Greetings,
I want to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season. I know we all deserve one, the last two years of Covid Protocols have been very difficult ones. I look forward to spending time with my Family and observing the “Normal” Holiday Festivities. In our Family the Christmas Eve “White Elephant” Gift exchange is a wild time, many pranks being played. I hope you have a good time with your Family too.
Back to business-The demand for SEMI Equipment remains strong and our clients are still hiring. With all the new Fabs being built there are more jobs than there are qualified candidates. I am very optimistic about 2023 and I think it will be a good year for our Industry. If you are having difficulty finding talented people in our Industry please give me a call, I can help.
I have been working on several technical roles for our clients. We are recruiting for Sales, Service, Applications and one Product Manager. I have even filled several Software and Electrical Engineering positions recently.
I am back in the San Jose office and looking forward to seeing you soon at the upcoming Industry Trade Shows here in the Bay Area.
Please feel free to give me a call. We can talk about what you want in your next job that you don’t have now.
Kevin Keifer
Tips and Techniques for interviewing
My Favorite Recipes
The best way to cook turkey I have found is to use a roasting rack in a deep roasting pan. I cover the top of the turkey with a light coating of Olive Oil and then sprinkle parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme over it. Turn it over and do the same treatment on the other side. The most moist breast happens when you cook the turkey breast side down. With a deep roasting pan, put 2 cups of water in the bottom and then cover the turkey with the lid or tenting with aluminum foil. Bake the turkey at 325 degrees. The timing depends on the weight of the turkey (link to timing) and if the turkey is empty or has stuffing. I find it better to cook empty which is a much shorter time.
Complete Guide to Cooking Turkey